Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tancredi's Aria...Di tanti palpiti

Vesselina Kasarova singing "Di tanti palpiti". In more recent years, the title role of Tancredi has been championed by Marilyn Horne and Ewa Podles.

The aria takes place in Act 1, Scene 2 of the opera.  Tancredi and his men disembark from a ship onto Argiro's palace garden that is close to the seashore. Not having received Amenaide's letter, he pledges to help defend the city against the invaders and to seek out his beloved in Oh patria! dolce, e ingrate patria / O my country, dear, thankless native land". Roggiero is dispatched with a message for Amenaide, and he sends his followers to spread the word that an unknown knight has arrived to help save the city. His thoughts turn to Amenaide in Tu che accendi questo core / "You who set aflame this heart" and then to how much pain he has caused her Di tanti palpiti, di tante pene / "After such beating of the heart, such torment", the cabaletta that will be discussed for these purposes. 
"Di tanti palpiti"performed by Ewa Podles 
 Courtesy of

Oh patria!  dolce, e ingrata patria!               
alfine a te ritorno!
Io ti saluto,
o cara terra degli avi miei : ti bacio.
E questo per me giorno sereno :
comincia il cor a respirarmi in seno.
Amenaide! o mio pensier soace,
solo de' miei sospir,
de' voti miei celeste oggetto,
io venni alfin : io voglio,
sfidando il mio destin,
qualunque sia, meritarti,
o perir, anima mia.

Tu che accendi questo core,
tu che desti il valor mio,
alma gloria, dolce amore,
secondate il bel desio,
cada un empio traditore,
coronate la mia fà.

Di tanti palpiti, di tante pene,
da te mio bene, spero mercà.
Mi rivedrai...  ti rivedrà...
ne' tuoi bei rai mi pascero.
Deliri, sospiri...
accenti, contenti!
Sarà felice, il cor mel dice,
il mio destino vicino a te.
Oh Homeland! Swee, ungrateful homeland!
At last I come back to you!
I greet you,
oh dear land of my ancestors: I kiss you.
This is for me a happy day:
My heart begins to breath in my chest.
Amenaide! My suave thought,
the only cause of my sighs,
of my vows, at last I came; I want to earn you,
defying my fate, whatever it was,
or die, my soul.

You who kindle this heart,
you who awake my valour, 
blessed glory, sweet love,
heed my desire,
may an impious traitor fall,
crown my faith.

For all these heartbeats, for all these pains,
from you, my beloved, I hope for mercy.
You'll see me again... I'll see you again...
in your beautiful radiance I will have plenty.
Delires- sighs...
happy voices!...
It will be glad, my heart tells me,
my destiny - near to you. 



"Oh patria...tu che accende...di tanti palpiti" performed by Marylin Horne
Courtesy of